Having such an important decision as picking the colors for your bathroom which you will have to look at for a couple of years can be stressful, that’s why we came up with a list to help you out! As a company primarily working on bathroom remodeling projects, we have come up with 5 (based solely on our taste) best bathroom colors that we would like to share with you. They are in no particular order, you decide!
Brown Bathroom

Brown bathrooms can look very elegant. Many people that want to create a ‘modern bathroom’ feel to their washrooms more and more often opt to combine the color brown with either black or white to create something unique and eye-catching. Granted, brown might not be the first color that comes to mind while thinking about bathroom design, however, it creates a look that is modern yet traditional at the same time, which in turn creates that wow factor many people seek for.
Black Bathroom

Imagine this: you go to your new friends house for the first time. You want to go to the washroom, you open up the door and there it is – black ceiling tiles, black shower, black bathroom vanity. Restrooms like that not only give unique spins to the traditional white bathroom, they also convey very different feelings. The darkness offers a spa-like experience when walking into the restroom. Combining colors with black is incredibly easy – just add anything you like. Black goes with everything. Don’t even get us started on the black and white bathroom combination. There is a reason why black bathrooms keep getting more and more popular. Not only are they easy to clean, the timeless color also gives a sense of elegance, sophistication, and luxury.
Green Bathroom

Green, just like black (we will get to that color too) is very versatile – you can realistically style it with anything and it will always look good. A nice lighter green bathroom vanity would match well with a primarily white tone of the room. It is very soothing and can bring a natural feel to your home, especially if you live in an urban area. More and more people experiment with the way their house looks and we are glad they do, because without those people, we just wouldn’t know how well this color matches with washrooms. We are living in the sage green bathroom era as we speak, and we think you should consider joining the club!
Purple Bathroom

This is probably the most unique color out of all of the ones we have chosen. However, if you want to stand out and want to do it with your bathroom, this is your chance. Purple bathrooms are special in the way that they can be very minimalistic or very in your face. By adding a lighter shade of the color, you can create a calming, one might even say soothing aura. On the other hand, you can opt for a bolder shade and make the room feel very luxurious and regal.
White Bathroom

Call us traditional. 9 out of 10 households have washrooms that are white and there is a reason for that. Whether its the white bathroom vanity or simply the white bathroom aura, there is just something about it. These lavatories never go out of style, they are easy to maintain, they make the room look bigger and you can go crazy with additions. Imagine a white washroom with black bathroom accessories and a bathroom bench – what more could you want!
That would be our list! Let us know what you think about it and do not be afraid to give us feedback. Also, remember, if you are located in the Chicagoland area or its suburbs, we would be glad to take on any bathroom remodeling projects you need. If you are looking for more inspiration – click here for our finished projects. Are already on the lookout for the all important finishing touches? – Here are some ideas.